TIIAI/Gateway to Re-Entry is currently housed at Myers Recreation Center, 5803 Kingsessing Ave.
Our currently location is a major resource for Re-Entry and Mentoring:
employment for over 150 males and females at the Convention
Center/Kimmel Center and Penns Landing. The Gateway to Re-Entry
Program is structured under “The Village” a web-based management
system. This program is built on a research-based framework that
allows Gateway to Re-Entry to be measured, sustained and replicated.
The focus is to identify and combat challenges faced by the Mentees
as they transition back into the community. The Village developed by
The Fifth House (www.thefifthhouse.com) is an extremely innovative
methodology that eliminates negative factors and reduces the risks
of recidivism.
Services/Resources and Project Application:
The mentoring program is the “gateway” to all the other re-entry
programs. The “Ten Steps to Re-Entry” is the foundation for any
successful re-entry process.
The foundation of the Ten Steps to Re-Entry is changing the way one
perceives his/her place in the scheme of things. One has to change
the way he/she thinks. The Mentoring Program engages a detailed
developmental relationship between the Mentees and Mentors.
or the mentoring process to be successful it has to support the
Mentees professional and personal development. The Mentor/s
incorporate a distinctive approach to first connect then relate to
the Mentees past experiences, to identify where the Mentees are now,
and then, to assist in the formulation of a plan for future
The primary goal is to form a bond of unconditional trust and mutual
respect in the initial stages of the pre-release process while
establishing a viable roadmap for the re-entry.